Saturday, July 24, 2010

Experiment No.1 - Resistors

The First experiment was to identify and test 6 different resistors. First I worked out their values by their colour bands, then measured the resistances of each one using a multimeter.

After I worked out the 6 resistances I chose two resistors and measured the resistances in series and parallel,.
Resistor 1 = 20.1 ohms
Resistor 2 = 330 ohms
Resistance in series
Rt = R1 + R2
20.1 + 330 = 350.1 ohms
Measured = 349 ohms
Resistance in parallel
1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2
1/(1/20.1 + 1/350.1) = 19.009 ohms
Measured = 18.8 ohms
This shows that the resistance is greater when connected in series. This is becasue when connected in parallel the resistance is always going to be less than the lowest resistance.

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