injector circuit

This circuit is to replicate a basic injector circuit by using a function generator to create the input and L.E.Ds to replace the injectors which flash.

Component list

• 1 board

• 2x 470 ohm resistors

• 2x 1k ohm resistors

• 2x c547 NpN transistors

• X2 L.E.Ds (red and yellow)

R13 = 1k ohm resistor

R14 = 470 ohm resistor

R15 = 470 ohm resistor

R16 = 1k ohm resistor

Problems I encountered.

I encountered a problem with one of my L.E.Ds not lighting up and my other staying on all the time. I came to the conclusion that the L.E.Ds where not bright enough due to the 560 ohm resistors. I replaced these with 470 ohm resistors and the circuit worked perfectly. I think this problem was caused by me having on high density L.E.D and one normal.

Caculations I have used


R = (sv – Vled) / I

R = (12 – 1.7) / 20

R = 10.3 / 20

R = 51.5 ohms or 515 ohms

B = Ic / Ib

B = 20 / 200

B = 0.1 – 100

.5 – 0.7 = 4.3

R16 = 4.3 / 5 (input voltage)

R16 = 4.3 / 0.005 = 860 ohm - 1k ohm

Test Procedure

To test this circuit I used the Power supply and a Function generator to see if the L.E.Ds would flash individually which they did after I replaced the resistors with smaller ones. Then I did a constant 5v test and took readings of voltage drop across all of the components, these are the readings I got.

R13 = 4.71v

R14 = 10.4v

R15 = 10.65v

R16 = 4.71v

LED1 = 2.16v

LED2 = 1.91v

The voltage drop across the leds is the voltage required for them to work so this is the voltage they use.

Transistor 1 = 0.05v

Transistor2 = 0.05v

With the transisors reading 0.05v this is showing that they are fully open or fuly saturated.


The only thing I would do differently next time would be to make sure I’m using the right resistor. I should have taken the resistor size down rather than up.

Finished Circuit

Circuit Design